Research Educational Stress Management–Keep It Simple! April 29, 2020 Stress Management – Keep It Simple! There is lots of talk about meditation and mindfulness in the news these days. There’s no question that stress is hitting unhealthy levels for many, if not most Americans. And it’s not just affecting adults; children are experiencing higher levels of stress and anxiety than ever before. Starting a… Read More
Research Highlighted Articles Macular Degeneration : What I Did To Beat It February 8, 2019 Read More
Research Understanding pH Levels January 2, 2019 Sometimes the body is very acidic, which causes the nerves to become more sensitive to pain. If you eat the standard American diet, chances are you are too acidic. If you are too acidic, it can adversely affect several bodily functions, including your nervous system, which controls everything. Other types of vinegar stay acidic when… Read More
Research Highlighted Articles The Vinegar Experiment December 26, 2018 Humor me. Try an experiment. This might work for some of you. Drink some raw, organic apple cider vinegar. It will promote good digestion because it’s rich in enzymes and potassium. It also helps to support a healthy immune system by keeping the pH level in an alkaline state. Did you know that in 400… Read More
Research Highlighted Articles The Enzymes of Digestion December 19, 2018 So, back to digestive enzymes. Protease breaks down proteins into something called amino acids, so we can absorb them. Once they’re absorbed, they get “reassembled” into different things, and enzymes play a key role in that process as well. While some enzymes break down food, others act kind of like matchmakers. The matchmaker enzymes say,… Read More
Research Absorbing Your Fats December 12, 2018 If you’ve had your gallbladder removed, it’s very important that you are careful about what types of fats you eat because you don’t have this reserve of “dish detergent” to break the fats down properly. It’s vital that you stay away from “difficult to digest” fats such as hydrogenated oils, animal fats, trans fats, even… Read More
Research Highlighted Articles Dr. Joe’s #1 Secret of Extreme Health: The Digestive System November 28, 2018 The father of medicine, Hippocrates, reportedly said, “All disease begins in the gut.” If that’s true, do you find it as unbelievable as I do that medical schools traditionally have spent nearly zero time on nutrition? Thankfully, this is turning around and nutrition studies are gaining traction, but academia’s focus on drugs and surgery have… Read More
Research Dr. Joe’s “No Poison” Secret Formula November 19, 2018 Imagine that you knew your friend had a secret formula that could help you get well and stay well. Would you want to know the formula? Would it be worth $1,000? $10,000? $100,000? On this site, you will find the not-so-secret formula that has worked for me, my family, my friends, and tens of thousands… Read More
Research Homocysteine – Worse than cholesterol? July 18, 2018 Homocysteine is a word most people have never heard of, yet not knowing what it is and what it does could cost you your life. Homocysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is necessary for normal function of the body. The problem is that when it does not perform properly it can be the… Read More
Research The 7 Lifestyle Habits of Incredibly Healthy People July 18, 2018 Most folks will agree that it is a good idea to take care of their body in order to obtain and maintain good health. The problem is that most people don’t know what to do, or, they do know what to do, but don’t have the willpower to make the changes. If there were a… Read More