Lifestyle Is Working From Home Wrecking Your Back? March 1, 2021 As we all get used to our new ‘normal’, we know many are finding working from home difficult—especially those without a dedicated, ergonomic office space to carry out your day. While this in and of itself can be a pain, it’s also likely causing literal pains in your back, neck and eyes. As your partner… Read More
Lifestyle Is Stress Sneaking In Through Your Food? February 22, 2021 We’ve all got enough on our plates—too much stress shouldn’t be one of them! And when we say plate, we mean that literally. Stressors can be found all around us, even in our food. That’s why when you’re feeling stressed, it’s important to skip the comfort food and head for something nutritious. This state of… Read More
Lifestyle Houseplants Uses November 30, 2020 What are the benefits of houseplants? They offer allergy relief The bright colors can lift your mood Spider Plants are great for adding moisture to the air They act as air purifiers You can grow herbs that help with digestion You can grow lavender and it’s relaxing Aloe is great for first aid They can… Read More