Research New Year’s Resolutions? Why January Is Not The Best Time To Make Them July 18, 2018 Every January you hear about making New Year’s Resolutions, starting new diets, or exercise regimens. By February you aren’t hearing about this much anymore. Why is that? Why do we give up so quickly on such noble and worthwhile goals? Because we are setting ourselves up just to fail. If you look at every other… Read More
Research Healthy Weight Loss July 18, 2018 Healthy Weight Loss – A New Way To Lose Weight and Get Healthy What we’re talking about is called intermittent fasting. The body takes about eight hours to burn up the last meal you ate. After that it starts to burn fat as a fuel source. So, if we are going to do intermittent fasting… Read More
Research External Yeast Infections – Change Your Diet July 18, 2018 Recently a radio show listener contacted me with a question about a rash caused by a yeast infection. She had tried pills and creams for the rash, but the rash was still spreading. As I was responding to her question, it occurred to me that this information could be useful to anyone suffering from external yeast infections.… Read More
Research 7 Foods You Should Never Eat July 18, 2018 There are 120,000 edible plants on this earth, yet most of us will consume about seven to ten “foods” in different combinations for most of our meals. If you have never though about it, write down everything you eat for one week and you will probably see the same things come up over and over… Read More
Research Supplements – Do I really need them? July 18, 2018 What’s the scoop, do I really need supplements? A vitamin, by definition, is a substance that will cause a disease if the body does not have enough of it or if the body cannot utilize what it does have. Vitamins do not produce energy on their own. Once a substance is found to meet these… Read More
Research Maintain Good Health – 3 Things You Must Have July 17, 2018 Is your goal to maintain good health? There are 3 things you must have… Imagine if there were a secret formula to get well and stay well! Would you want to know what it is? Would it be worth $1000? $10,000? $100,000? Well, here is the formula that has worked for me, my family and… Read More
Research Sports Medicine And Nutrition – A Non-Drug, Non-Surgical Approach July 17, 2018 Let’s talk about sports medicine and nutrition. In the case of any injury, if there is to be proper healing the injury must be treated in the proper manner at the proper time. In sports medicine this means there must be a coordination of responsibility between the patient and doctor, or trainer. Whenever an injury… Read More
Nutrition Nutrition and Life Expectancy by Dr. Joe Esposito, DC, BS, DCBCN, DABCO July 17, 2018 We keep hearing that cancer and heart disease are the top killers in our society and that there is a new treatment coming out for X and Y diseases, but seldom do you hear about what is causing the conditions. Did you ever think that heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis ( Bones & Teeth), obesity, Alzheimer’s… Read More
Research Got Milk? I Hope Not! July 17, 2018 Lactose Intolerant? We all know that advertisers would have us believe that milk is a great source of calcium. We also know that we need calcium for strong bones. It would then seem logical that we need milk in order to have strong bones. Let’s look a little deeper than the superficial marketing ploys and… Read More
Research Computer Ergonomics – For Your Body’s Sake July 17, 2018 Computer Ergonomics Explained… If you are like most of us computer users, when you sit down at your keyboard the first thing you do is lean back in your chair, slouch forward and put your arms at some bizarre angle to start your program. And if you are reading this article the odds are, you’re… Read More
Research Nutrition and Your Immune System Keep You Healthy July 17, 2018 The Immune system, or the part of the body which fights disease, is a very complex system supported by many different body organs. It is not located in one part of the body, but is the body working in harmony to fight off foreign invaders. Many lifestyle factors, including drugs and stress cause our immune… Read More
Research Osteoporosis and Arthritis Prevention – The Facts July 17, 2018 Arthritis and Osteoporosis Prevention is very possible with the proper intake of nutrients your body needs. In the United States alone 25 million people are affected by osteoporosis and more than 55 million Americans suffer from Arthritis and related conditions. It is estimated that the cost of treating osteoporosis, arthritis and related injuries is over… Read More