Research Highlighted Articles Macular Degeneration : What I Did To Beat It February 8, 2019 Read More
Research Highlighted Articles The Vinegar Experiment December 26, 2018 Humor me. Try an experiment. This might work for some of you. Drink some raw, organic apple cider vinegar. It will promote good digestion because it’s rich in enzymes and potassium. It also helps to support a healthy immune system by keeping the pH level in an alkaline state. Did you know that in 400… Read More
Research Highlighted Articles The Enzymes of Digestion December 19, 2018 So, back to digestive enzymes. Protease breaks down proteins into something called amino acids, so we can absorb them. Once they’re absorbed, they get “reassembled” into different things, and enzymes play a key role in that process as well. While some enzymes break down food, others act kind of like matchmakers. The matchmaker enzymes say,… Read More
Research Highlighted Articles Dr. Joe’s #1 Secret of Extreme Health: The Digestive System November 28, 2018 The father of medicine, Hippocrates, reportedly said, “All disease begins in the gut.” If that’s true, do you find it as unbelievable as I do that medical schools traditionally have spent nearly zero time on nutrition? Thankfully, this is turning around and nutrition studies are gaining traction, but academia’s focus on drugs and surgery have… Read More
Research Highlighted Articles 7 Deadly Food Sins That Adversely Affect Your Health July 17, 2018 Do You Know these 7 Deadly Food Sins? Alcohol… kills brain cells. Once a brain cell dies, it never grows back. dehydrates your body damaging other cells, even causing wrinkles. causes Liver and Pancreas malfunction. puts an extra burden on your detoxification organs, preventing them from doing their regular jobs and wearing them out. Meat…… Read More
Research Highlighted Articles Pain Management – Dietary Treatments July 17, 2018 Pain management and your diet. This may come as a shock to many of you. If you suffer from pain, any pain, what you eat may be making the pain worse! In my many years of practice I have seen patients with pain that was difficult to manage with conventional methods improve dramatically when we… Read More