These 3 Stresses Can Affect Your Sleep. I see patients every day who have sleep issues. Let’s talk about 3 types of stress that may be keeping you awake at night. There are 3 types of stress I want to talk to you about, that may be affecting your sleep: chemical stress, physical stress, and emotional stress. 1. Chemical stress. This is what you eat and your environment. I want to encourage you to stay away from what I call the 7 Deadly Sins of Nutrition: alcohol, meat, sugar, dairy, coffee, soda, and artificial sweetener. At least cut back on them. Eat more things like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. As much as you can, follow a plant based diet for good, healthy nutrition. 2. Physical stress. If you have pain, that may be keeping you from sleeping. Chiropractic care is the most effective, least expensive treatment for back pain, so if you have pain, start out with chiropractic care, and see if that helps you. 3. Emotional stress. I can’t fix your emotional issues, but I have found that when we fix the chemical stress and the physical stress, the emotional stress improves dramatically. If you have digestive issues, that can make the emotional issues much worse, because if you’re not absorbing the nutrients you need, it can affect your emotions. If this helps you, please follow me for more tips, subscribe to my channel, and please smash the “like” button. You can find much more information, research, podcasts, and videos on my website, . In addition, you can subscribe to my inner circle newsletter and make an appointment if you’d like to. Links are below. Be well! Dr. Joe Esposito, BS DC. DABCO. DAAPM. DCBCN, DCCN I want to help you be well and stay well, naturally. For more tips, follow me on all social media at drjoeesposito I have my own line of premium supplements, and I hope you’ll check out my store on my website Subscribe to my inner circle newsletter. It’s free and you’ll receive weekly insights, health hacks, and health information to help you be well and live your best life. Subscribe through my website Dr. Joe Show broadcast every Sunday evening 7 – 9 pm Eastern Time, on 95.5 WSB in Atlanta, and streams live on my Facebook and Instagram pages. Dr. Joe podcast every Monday from 1 – 2 pm Eastern Time, streaming live on Facebook and Instagram. The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician’s advice, and it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provided to determine what is right for you.
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