Your kidneys are responsible for filtering your blood and removing toxins from the food you eat. The two main causes of Chronic Kidney Disease are hypertension and diabetes. You have a lot of control over those two things. Not surprisingly, the way to take care of your kidneys is the same as for the rest of your body. Dr. Joe explains some of the things you should and should not be taking in order to promote good kidney health.

0:00 Kidney Health
3:43 Meat
8:14 Alcohol
10:59 Salt
15:36 Caffeine
17:36 Artificial Sweetener
19:25 Dairy
22:17 Carbonated Beverages
25:43 Smoking
27:22 Genetically Modified Foods
33:40 Dehydration
37:24 Pain Medication
40:40 Fish
40:51 Sugar
46:09 Contrast Dye
46:23 Infections

The information presented on this program is not intended to take the place of your personal physician’s advice, and it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provided to determine what is right for you.