Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment – ADD… it is not a drug deficiency. The way to deal with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), as well as most all diseases, is to treat the cause of the problem and not just to cover up the symptoms. Research has shown that ADD sufferers have an abnormal serotonin level. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that allows a person to relax and focus better. If a person is to suffer from a hiatal hernia, which is a condition in which the stomach spasms and, simply put, pushes up and into the area of the chest where the lungs are, this will begin a series of problems which will adversely effect the ADD sufferer. When this happens, the stomach cannot digest food properly. The partially digested food then passes into the small intestine. The small intestine cannot do the job the stomach is supposed to do, so the small intestine cannot properly break down the food further and extract the nutrients out of the food. Proteins begin to be broken down in the upper part of the small intestine, where the stomach and the small intestine come together. If the stomach is in spasm, it will essentially pull on the small intestine and this prevents the small intestine from doing one of its jobs, which is mixing enzymes that break down proteins with food. When proteins are broken down into smaller particles, these particles are called amino acids. These amino acids are eventually converted into neurotransmitters used by the brain. If we are not breaking down and absorbing enough protein, the protein that is absorbed is first used by the muscular system so that the muscular system can protect the body. If there are any “leftover” proteins, they are then used for what is known as “higher cortical function”, or in other words, the muscles get the proteins first and whatever is left the brain will use. If we don’t have enough proteins for proper brain function, we can see abnormal brain function such as ADD and other brain malfunctions. The nutrients we get from food are the fuel for every function of our bodies. One of these functions is the production of serotonin. Serotonin is used by the brain to help you relax and focus. Serotonin is produced in the digestive system and if the digestive system is not working, we cannot produce the proper amounts of serotonin, thus adversely affecting the Attention Deficit Disorder patient and perhaps causing the ADD. Now that we know what could be causing the problem, let’s talk about fixing it. The stomach is located in the middle of the trunk of your body on the left side. To find it, begin at your left nipple and go down toward your feet until you come to the bottom of your rib cage. Now go slightly to the left and this is where your stomach is. In order to fix someone’s hiatal hernia begin by having them lie on their back. You need to stand or sit on their right side. Find where their stomach is by drawing an imaginary line down from their left nipple to the bottom of their rib cage. Now move slightly to the left and this is where their stomach will be. The stomach is about the size of your fist. (If you place your fist on their abdomen with the border of your pinky finger along the bottom ridge of their ribs and the thumb part of your hand down toward the feet, this is where their stomach is.) We need to pull it down from under the lower border of the ribs. Begin by placing your four fingers of your left hand on the area of the abdomen where the top of the stomach is, just under the lower border of the rib cage. Now place the four fingers of your right hand over the fingers of your left hand in order to have more strength. Push down with your fingers into the other person’s abdomen as deep as you can go. This may require quite a bit of pressure. Now that your fingers are deep in the other person’s abdomen, pull down toward their feet. Have them breathe in and then exhale. As they exhale, pull down toward their feet. Keep your hands where they are after they exhale and have them breathe in again. As they exhale again, pull down and in again. Keep your fingers deep in and have them breathe in and out again, once again you pull down and in. (You may feel gurgling, this is a good sign, it means you have moved the stomach down towards its normal position.) Now release your fingers and let then recuperate for a minute and do it two more times. Do this every day or every other day until the symptoms go away. Some people it takes only one or two treatments, others it may take 15 to 20 treatments. Once the stomach treatment is done for the day, it is a good idea to relax the entire large intestine. Begin at a point between the belly button and the right front hip bone. Again, position yourself on the right side of the patient while they lie on their back. Using your four fingers on your left hand, push deep into the abdomen. If the person is thin enough, you should feel a bump, sort of like the feeling of the tip of your nose. If you can’t feel it, that is OK. Pushing as deep as the person will let you and begin to rub in a clockwise manner in a circle about the size of a silver dollar. Again, if it gurgles, that is a good thing. Rub about 10 clockwise circles. Now move up toward the right nipple about 6 inches (or half way between the hip bone and the lower border of the ribs) and do this again, rubbing 10, deep, clockwise circles. Move up to the lower border of the right rib cage and do it again. Now move toward the left to the center of the abdomen and repeat. Now move to the left, where the stomach is, and do it again. Now move straight down about 6 inches and repeat. Finish at a point between the belly button and the left hip bone and repeat. This technique will relax the digestive system and get it working more normally. The more you do it, the deeper the patient will allow you to go and the better results you will get. To set up an appointment please call my office at 770-427-7387 or you can send us a message in the live chat. Attention Deficit Disorder… Is It Really An Amphetamine Deficiency? Attention deficit disorder is the complex neurological disorder in which a patient has a very limited ability to concentrate and most times does not perform well in social settings. Disruptive behavior, outbursts, depression and withdrawal are some other common signs of this condition. There are no definitive tests to determine if the condition exists and it is often a diagnosis by exclusion. This means if it is not anything else, then it must be this. Let’s first look at the facts, then decide what we need to do to correct this out of control epidemic. It would appear that the condition known as attention deficit disorder (ADD) and it’s partner, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), is out of control due to the number of children and adults who suffer from the symptoms on a daily basis. The number of affected people continues to rise and many of the treatments currently being used have far- reaching and devastating side effects, which in many case are worse than the condition itself. There has been a 600% increase in child suicide since 1960. There has been a 400% increase in psychiatric ward admissions. 2 million children take stimulants every day and its use has increased 770% in the past five years. amphetamine is a “schedule 2″ drug which is in the same class as cocaine, but is 5 times more addictive. In one study, 43% of kids treated with drugs (vs. multi-therapy, non-drug treatment) were arrested on felony charges before the age of 18. Our youth, and many of our adult population, are desperately looking for a way out of this social nightmare. The good news is that there is help, and fixing the cause is the answer. There are four primary causes of ADD/ADHD. The first is an emotional imbalance. There may have been a family or social issue that triggered the child into a less-than -rational response and the condition is now affecting how the child interacts with others. The first thing I tell parents to look at is how are they raising the child. If mom and dad are unable to spend time with the child, he or she may be causing trouble just to get attention. Bad attention is better than no attention in a child’s mind. Perhaps there are relationship problems in the family. Mom and dad may not be best of friends, or there may be an in-law situation that the child is concerned about. Talk to the child to see if you can figure out what the problem may be. Think about the family situation and see if you can find the problem. Financial concerns in the family can also lead to the child not performing at their best. If the child hears arguments or fears expressed about money, he or she may somehow feel responsible for the problem. If drug abuse or alcoholism is in the family and the child is aware of it, this could be the cause of emotional conditions. If problems occur that may not be appropriate for a child to be exposed to, it may be prudent to not let the child know about them. A death, a move, or any dramatic change in lifestyle can also be the source of the problem. Remember that children have a different viewpoint of life than most adults and many times do not know how to handle situations. Learning style may also be an issue. Different people learn differently. Some are visual and learn best by seeing things. Others are auditory, they learn best by hearing things. Still others are tactile, they learn best by touching things. If you try to force a tactile or visual learner into an auditory environment, he or she will probably not do well and may be falsely labeled ADD. Discover what environment works best for your child and try to provide them with plenty of that type of stimulation. It does not have to exclusively be that style of learning, but the more you give, the better they will do. I find that most ADD labeled kids are close to or above genius level, they just need to be taught how to bring out their best. Nutrition plays a key role in this elusive disorder. Sensitivities to things such as dairy, wheat, eggs, corn, chocolate, aspartame, additives and dyes, yeast, coffee and sugar can cause ADD symptoms and lead the patient to be subjected to drugs and other unnecessary therapies. One of the easiest and least invasive ways to deal with ADD patients is to take out all of the above foods from their diet for 10 days. Then re-introduce the suspect foods one at a time. See how the patient responds after being exposed to each one for 3 days. If no adverse response is noted, take that food out again and re-introduce another food. Go through the entire list this way and you will most likely find one or more offending foods. By taking that food out of the diet, you should see some amazing results and help prevent drug intervention, which oftentimes has extreme adverse side effects. If we drug the next generation of leaders and prevent them from performing at their best, the future will not be what it can be. Nerve malfunction almost always plays a role in ADD. It is the easiest cause to detect and also the easiest to correct. If a bone in the spine moves out of normal alignment, it will pinch nerves and blood vessels. If the nerve to a certain area of the body is pinched, it will cause that part of the body to malfunction. In ADD patients, it is inevitable that there will be a bone in the upper part of the neck that has become misaligned and will be interfering with the nerve supply to the brain, eyes, ears and sinuses. This will either be the cause of the condition or certainly be a major contributing factor. These misalignments can be caused by falls, playing sports; even the birthing process can put tremendous strain on the neck of a child. It is important to be sure the spine is free of nerve interference for this condition as well as for just about all health conditions. There are 120,000 good, non-toxic foods on this earth. It is easy to replace, what I call, the 7 Deadly Sins of eating with these 120,000 other choices. Give up the alcohol, meat, sugar, dairy, coffee, soda and artificial sweeteners and replace them with fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds. Try it for a few weeks and see how quickly your health improves. There are only 26,960 days in the average life, let’s live them to their fullest, drug free and healthy. ADD is not caused by a lack of Amphetamine in a child’s diet. If you have questions about organic food and products, send us a message in the live chat.
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