Research Highlighted Articles 7 Deadly Food Sins That Adversely Affect Your Health July 17, 2018 Do You Know these 7 Deadly Food Sins? Alcohol… kills brain cells. Once a brain cell dies, it never grows back. dehydrates your body damaging other cells, even causing wrinkles. causes Liver and Pancreas malfunction. puts an extra burden on your detoxification organs, preventing them from doing their regular jobs and wearing them out. Meat…… Read More
Research Lifestyle Allergy Season – Home Remedies July 17, 2018 Well, it’s that time of the year again – allergy season. Time for the plants to do their yearly mating ritual and for us to suffer from the ravages of their pollen. If you are to believe the advertisers, the reason we are suffering so badly is because we must be lacking the magic medication… Read More
Research Eat Your Vegetables! High Five or Vegephobic? July 17, 2018 Do you eat your vegetables? Do you eat enough to maintain good health? Here’s a pop-quiz to measure your results. Circle the fruits and vegetables you have eating in the last week. Give yourself a point for every serving. (A serving is defined as 1 cup lettuce or raw leafy vegetables; ¾ cup of 100%… Read More
Research Vitamin A and the Vegan Diet (and other supplement questions answered) July 17, 2018 Recently someone had read an article on the importance of Vitamin A and he asked me to read it and give my opinion. The article stated that the best sources of Vitamin A were from animal products such as fish and milk. I get questions like this a lot…there’s a news story that someone reads… Read More
Research If you can catch a disease, can you catch health? July 17, 2018 Health – How to Catch it! It seems that every day we see more and more advertisements for a new drug to help with everything from the common cold to menstrual cramps. My question is “if each drug does what it says it will do, why do we need to keep inventing new ones”? I… Read More
Research Cleansing and Detoxifying Your Body Systems July 17, 2018 Cleansing and Detoxifying Your Body Systems For Better Health and More Energy Lately, it seems like more patients are asking me about detoxification diets. The principal behind a detoxification diet is to get accumulated toxins flushed out of your system. In our modern society, we are exposed to toxins from all angles. When it comes… Read More
Research Highlighted Articles Pain Management – Dietary Treatments July 17, 2018 Pain management and your diet. This may come as a shock to many of you. If you suffer from pain, any pain, what you eat may be making the pain worse! In my many years of practice I have seen patients with pain that was difficult to manage with conventional methods improve dramatically when we… Read More
Research Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Pain Management July 17, 2018 Omega 3 Fatty Acids – Can What You Eat Determine How Much Pain You Feel? It is well documented that what you eat can determine how healthy or unhealthy you are. However, can what you eat determine how much pain you feel when the body is injured? Certain foods will facilitate the healing process and other… Read More
Research Turn Fast Food into Fast “Health” Food July 17, 2018 Here are some ideas on Fast “Health” Food Yes, healthy fast food does exist…and not only fast food, but “traveling fare” is also at your fingertips. Let’s say you are going on a long car ride and don’t want to have to pack a huge cooler, or you are on a hike and want to stop… Read More
Research Nutrition for Athletes July 17, 2018 Nutrition for athletes and athletic performance go hand in hand, especially for the endurance athlete. What you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat can determine your level of success. Proper nutrition can help alleviate digestive issues, muscle fatigue and joint damage that many athletes face. Determining the proper foods and timing of… Read More