Home | Products | Whole Root Turmeric Whole Root Turmeric Dr. Joe's Whole Root Turmeric provides a well-rounded blend of turmeric phytonutrients that can help support normal inflammatory input and strengthen immune reserves. Purchase options: One-Time Subscribe Cancel when you want to Easily cancel with no fees required Edit your subscription anytime Control quantity, order, and payment details $49.99 $40.50 /month Deliver: Every month for $40.49 (19% off) Every 2 months for $40.49 (19% off) one time $40.49 / month — save 19% $40.49 every 2 months — save 19% Free shipping for any order over $49.99 within the Continental US. Whole Root Turmeric quantity ﹣ ﹢ Add to cart Refer to a Friend Login or Create an Account to get a referral link. Best Seller Best Seller ABOUT Dr. Joe’s Whole Root Turmeric provides a well-rounded blend of turmeric phytonutrients that can help support normal inflammatory input and strengthen immune reserves. This formula targets various pro-inflammatory markers and supports healthy breathing, cognitive function, gut, and immune function. The molecular structure of turmeric’s components, proteins, fibers, carbohydrates, and volatile oils– contributes to its bio-efficacy and maximizes its pleiotropic effects, making it an essential phytonutrient to combat various inflammatory pathways in our body. SUGGESTED USE One or more capsules per day or as recommended by your healthcare provider. INGREDIENT BENEFITS Whole-root turmeric and its active components have been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. As demonstrated historically, the whole root provides far greater therapeutic benefit than an isolated compound of turmeric. This is a unique turmeric extract that combines traditional wisdom with modern science to form a full-spectrum, bioactive, bio-efficacious turmeric matrix. BLACK PEPPER We often receive questions about taking turmeric with black pepper to make it more effective. We have approached many of the top black pepper manufacturers, and they could not give a standard therapeutic dose that would be beneficial. There are also no studies available that show a difference between taking turmeric with or without black pepper. CURCUMINOIDS We have been asked why our turmeric is not standardized to contain 95% curcuminoids. That is because our raw material outperforms the top 95% curcuminoid raw materials out there, outperforming those in bioavailability and absorption. Our raw materials also have a clinical trial on lowering C-Reactive Protein, Rheumatoid Factor, and Sed Rate with a one capsule 500mg therapeutic dose. The reason that our formula works better is because of its whole-root approach. We are using the entire root of turmeric instead of just isolating 95% curcuminoids which is like a prescription-model idea. Curcuminoids is less than 5% of the whole plant. When you use the plant oils, plant fibers, plant proteins, the root, etc., this provides a more pure form like you would ingest it in nature. We believe that there are upper limits to how much turmeric you should ingest when you are just providing 95% curcuminoids. When talking about herbs and isolating a single component of a plant isn’t always the best way to get maximum absorption. You can read Comparative Oral Absorption of Curcumin in a Natural Turmeric Matrix with Two Other Curcumin Formulations: An Open-label Parallel-arm Study for more information about information about absorption. NOTES Turmeric can have a blood thinning effect. If you are on blood thinners, consult with your doctor who prescribed the blood thinners before taking turmeric.